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Course Description

SCP-1032 - Managerial Communications

Enrollment DeadlineSectionCourse FormatStart/End Dates Details Instructor(s)Speakers
South Central Partnership LMS Course Self-paced Courses Ongoing

Course Description

This course is part of the Public Health Leadership Curriculum, created by the NYS Public Health Workforce Taskforce. To learn more, select My Assessments from the User Menu and the more info link for the Public Health Leadership competencies.

Instructor: Timothy Keogh, PhD

On completion of this course, the user will be able to demonstrate written and oral communication skills that are needed as a leader in a health department by: identifying communication skills, listing effective presentation skills, and distinguishing different writing techniques.

Learning Objectives:

Module 1: Effective Interpersonal Communication
• Distinguish the fundamental elements of a message
• Explain the message model
• Identify tangible and intangible barriers
• Distinguish the levels of listening
• Describe the guides to good listening
• Explain the key points of basic interpersonal communication

Module 2: Presentation Skills
• Identify the objectives of a good presentation
• Distinguish physical, mechanical, and paralinguistic aspects of a presentation
• Identify ways to open a presentation
• Explain three things audiences respond to most
• Create a checklist of presentation skills
• Identify correct ways of presenting visual aids
• Identify ways to close presentations
• List ways to answer questions during and after a presentation

Module 3: Good Writing Techniques
• Differentiate among the stages of writing
• Identify the proper use of transitions when writing
• Demonstrate appropriate use of descriptive adjectives
• Demonstrate correct document formatting

Co-sponsored By

  • South Central Public Health Partnership
  • Course Documents

    There are currently no course document(s) for this course

    Average Completion Time

    3 hours


    Recommended Pre-requisite:

    SCP-1029 Improving Your Communication Skills

    Enroll in SCP-1029 here.

    Associated Programs (Explain)

    There are no programs currently assigned to this course

    Course Competencies

  • 3B02 Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate materials, incorporating images)
  • 3B04 Selects approaches for disseminating public health data and information (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings, libraries, neighborhood gatherings)
  • 3B05 Conveys data and information to professionals and the public using a variety of approaches (e.g., reports, presentations, email, letters, press releases)
  • 1.0-1e Describe how dept’s vision/mission are used to address PH challenges.
  • 1.0-1m Develop the vision & mission for my area of responsibility.
  • 1.0-1s Lead the creation of agency/department’s vision/mission.
  • 1.0-2e Identify program elements that support dept. vision/mission.
  • 1.0-3e Describe trends/develop'ts in PH services in my program area.
  • 1.0-3m Incorporate trends/developments in PH services into my program.
  • 1.0-3s Interpret trends in public health for use in my agency/department.
  • 1.1-1e Communicate the agency/department’s mission & vision to staff.
  • 1.1-1m Describe how the vision unites competing priorities in my program.
  • 1.1-1s Model my agency/department’s vision.
  • 1.1-2s Energize stakeholder commitment to vision/mission.
  • 1.2-1e Describe the steps used in strategic planning.
  • 1.2-1m Apply input from stakeholders to develop program's vision & mission.
  • 1.5-1e Describe program progress in meeting the department’s mission.
  • 1.5-1m Articulate program strategic organiz'l direction, intent & impact.
  • 1.5-1s Ensure staff can communicate agency/dept's strategic direction.
  • 1.5-2m Provide progress & barrier updates to achieving program goals upon request.
  • 1.5-2s Model proficiency in providing info about strategic direction.
  • 1.7-1e Demonstrate respectful listening in all interactions with people.
  • 1.7-1m Teach staff to always listen respectfully to others.
  • 1.7-1s Model respectful listening with staff and community.
  • 1.7-2e Assure everyone has opportunity to participate in my group.
  • 1.7-2m Coach staff to be open to others’ opinions & perspectives.
  • 1.7-2s Assure staff are receptive to diverse perspectives.
  • 3.4-1e Present info about the agency/dept’s CQI efforts to int/external stakeholders.
  • 3.4-1m Demonstrate sharing CQI information with stakeholders
  • 3.4-1s Communicate CQI info for higher levels of authority & partners.
  • 3.4-2m Enable staff members to attain competency in CQI.
  • 3.4-2s Delegate authority/responsibility to keep stakeholders informed of CQI efforts.