Learning Management System

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Getting Started

When you register with the NYLearnsPH.com LMS you get...

 Professional Development in 3 steps

We welcome you to our on-line learning site. The New York Learns Public Health (NYLearnsPH.com) Learning Management System (LMS) is where you can track your professional development training. The LMS provides you with self-assessment tools to identify training needs, course recommendations linked to training needs, and the ability to maintain a personalized comprehensive training record.


Here's how you get started...


Register for the Learning Management System

  • Click on the "Register with us" link located above the menu on the left side of the screen.
  • Fill in the registration form and click on "Submit your Registration."

1. Assess and maintain your competencies

Once you have registered with the LMS, you can begin your online professional development program by completing a self–assessment based on a set of competencies. These competencies may relate to a role you play in your agency or department, or they may reflect an area of developmental interest for you.  The competencies listed on the LMS represent knowledge, attitudes and skills related to a number of areas important to state and local public health practitioners including leadership, general public health practice, and bioterrorism/emergency preparedness.

A.      The first step is identifying your role in your agency/department.  Click on the My Assessments tile in the menu on the left side of the screen.  You will see the list of role categories: Leadership; Core Public Health; and Bioterrorism/Preparedness. Each category is made up of a list of roles. Each role is associated with a set of competencies, which form the basis for self-assessments.


      You can browse roles by clicking the +/- signs to expand or collapse the role categories. You can view the competencies associated with each role by clicking the link next to each role title.


      To select a role, check the box next to it.



A Note About Roles: A role is a set of responsibilities and expected results associated with a job.  A job can have several roles. Your administrator may already have identified roles for you, and they will appear in a box directly under the My Current Roles heading. You are not limited to these roles. You may choose as many additional roles as you would like. These roles can be areas relevant to your current job, or areas of interest for self development.  

  • Roles you select can be added or removed at any time.
  • Roles that are assigned to you can only be removed by an Agency or Global Administrator.


B.      Click the “Begin Assessment” or “continue” button at the bottom of the page. The LMS will automatically take you to a guided assessment page for each role assigned to you or which you have selected.


C.      Complete the self assessment.  As you are guided through the self-assessments related to your roles you should review each competency description, and then select a number 1 through 5 (ranging from 1 = “Not Confident” to 5 = “Very Confident”) to identify your confidence level for each individual competency.


Not Confident




Very Confident






I need to be taught about this.

I do or can do this with help.

I do or can do this.

I do or can do this with ease.

I do or can do this at an expert level.

When completing a self-assessment it is important not to limit your perspective to your current job title or the activities and skills associated with that position alone. The self-assessments are intended to measure the skills, knowledge and experience you’ve acquired up to the point when you complete an assessment. You should draw from your entire set of life experiences, including volunteer work, education and training, and current and former employment.


After completing each page of the assessment, you must click the “Save & Continue” button to record your scores and move on.


You may suspend your assessment and return to it later by clicking the “Save and Exit” button .


Once you complete your assessment, you must click the “Finish” button to record your scores and see course recommendations based on the information you provided.


(Coming Soon): Click here for more information about roles and assessing competencies on the LMS.


You’re ready to register for courses!


A note on maintaining competencies: You should complete a self-assessment whenever you learn a new skill or acquire new information. After you complete training, you will be able to complete a shorter assessment, focusing on those competencies that were addressed in that training.  It is also recommended that you complete a new assessment annually to document your growth and development. If your job or roles change, you should take the assessments that apply to your new roles.

2. Register for recommended courses

Courses are recommended based on your self-assessment. Once you complete the initial self-assessment, you receive a list of recommended courses. This list of courses also appears on your homepage upon logging on to the system. It is also available through a link from your My Courses area.  At this point, you may register for these courses by simply clicking on the course title and selecting “enroll.”

You will receive an e-mail confirming your course enrollment.

A note about recommended courses:   Courses recommended to you based on competency self-assessments can be used as a filter when using the advanced search tool with the course catalog.

You may also browse or search the course catalog for other courses of interest.  Once you are registered in the LMS, you may login and sign-up for any of our courses. To do that:

  • Log in using your username and password.
  • Click on Course Catalog located in the menu on the left side of the screen.
  • Under Browse Catalog by Category, or Search Catalog by Query.
  • Click on the course title to view the Course Description noting any pre-requisites.
  • Click on the "Enroll" button for the course section of interest.

3. Get trained

Now that you've registered for courses, get trained!

Face to Face courses are conducted in person. Online courses are accessed through an internet connection. Other course formats are available through the LMS including online or web-based variants like streaming (webcast) and WebEx, training on physical media such as CD-ROM/DVD, or any combination of the above. There are many possibilities.  Some may require additional software (e.g., a media player), soundcard and speakers.

The important core fact is that the Learning Management System (LMS) is where you can track your professional development training. The LMS is where you will document your training including certification, and continue to develop professionally as new competencies and courses are added for your role in public health.

If you have questions please refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or Contact Us in the menu on the left side of the screen.