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OHEP-HTC-BP5-S1-072023-WR HTC Webinar Series - BP5 Session 1 - NYS CHEMPACK Program Overview


Recorded Webinar
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Topic: - NYS CHEMPACK Program Overview

Recorded on: July 25, 2023

CHEMPACKs are containers of nerve agent antidotes placed in secure locations in local jurisdictions around the country to allow rapid response to a chemical incident. These medications treat the symptoms of nerve agent exposure and can be used even when the actual agent is unknown.

Because these antidotes must be administered quickly, the CHEMPACK team maintains 1,960 containers strategically placed in more than 1,340 locations in the United States. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population is within 1 hour of a CHEMPACK location. Most are located in hospitals or fire stations selected by local authorities to support a rapid hazmat response and can be accessed quickly if hospitals or first responders need them. (HHS/ASPR website)

This webinar session will provide an overview of the NYS CHEMPACK Program and how NYS Office of Health Emergency Prepareness (OHEP) Logistics integrates with Federal and Local Partners

Vince Fargione, Robert Tinney & Kevin Goldstein
New York State Department of Health
Office of Health Emergency Preparedness - Logistics

Thank you for registering for the HTC BP5 RECORDED Webinar Session 1: NYS CHEMPACK Program Overview Recorded on July 25, 2023 

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