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Course Section Details

CSP-101-a 1 - Clinical Basics: Cancer

Clinical Basics - Cancer

Section DateStart TimeEnd Time

This is one in a series of courses required for all CSP Contractor Staff. You will need to complete all courses in the Program and notify your Regional Manager when the Program is complete.










This training is a PowerPoint presentation shown within the LMS SCORM player.

In order to advance through the course, use the "Back, Next and Exit" buttons that appear in the blue navigation bar (up and to the left).

To complete this course you must read the content in its entirety, then complete the "Certify Completion" quiz that follows the PowerPoint.

Once you have submitted your answer to the quiz, click the “Next” button to advance to the Course End Page.


Click the "Exit" button to close the course and post your completion back to the LMS. Close the page in your browser by clicking on the red box.

If you have any difficulties accessing the training, please contact us at CanServ@health.ny.gov or by phone at 518-474-1222.