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Course Section Details

PHDirCom-ENVIRO02 - Environmental Topics: Food Safety

Archived WebEx - Now Available

Section DateStart TimeEnd Time

This is an archive of the live WebEx held on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 from 10-11AM. 

There are currently no course section document(s)

To view:

  1. Log in to www.NYLearnsPH.com
  2. Go to My Courses > Current Courses tab
  3. Click the Launch button for PHDirCom-ENVIRO02

When you have viewed the archive:

  1. Return to the www.NYLearnsPH.com  LMS
  2. Go to My Courses > Current Courses tab
  3. Self Certify by completing the Quiz in the Activities column.

If you have questions about this course, please call Nancy Katagiri at 518-473-4223.