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OHEP-HTC-BP1-S2-082024-CDR - HTC Webinar Series - BP1 Session 2 - High Consequence Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infectious Diseases, & Special Pathogens: Early Interventions and the Impact on Healthcare


Recorded Webinar
Section DateStart TimeEnd Time

Topic: High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs), Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs), and Special Pathogens (SPs): Early Interventions and the Impact on Healthcare

Recorded On: August 21, 2024


  • What are High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs), Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs), and Special Pathogens (SPs)?
    • What Interventions can be Instituted or Applied to Hinder Persistence of Infectious Spread
  • Early Adaptation and Empiric Isolation Precautions for Patients Suspected with HCIDs, EIDs, and SPs
    • Employing the I3 (Identify, Isolate, Inform) Principles to Reduce Impact to Service Delivery
    • Minimizing Staff, Patient, and Visitor Exposure to Potentially Infectious Individuals
    • Considerations in Patient Care and Patient Well-being / Experience
  • Trends in Global Outbreaks and Persistence of Risk Associated with International Travel
    • Recent Developments and Infections of Concern (Not Fully Inclusive)
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Thank you for registering for the HTC BP1S2 RECORDED Webinar: High Consequence Infectious Diseases, Emerging Infectious Diseases , and Special Pathogens: Early Interventions and the Impact on Healthcare recorded on August 21, 2024

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