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OHEP-HTC-BP1-S1-072024-MARO - HTC Webinar Series - BP1 Session 1 - Strike Planning: Site Preparedness & Strategies for Success


Recorded Webinar
Section DateStart TimeEnd Time

Topic: Strike Planning - Site Preparedness & Strategies for Success

Recorded On: July 30, 2024

Description: This session will review hospital preparations and best practices for pending union/labor actions.  The course provides guidance to hospital leadership, mid-level management and others on developing a needs assessment, organizational structure and 10-day plan prior to strike date.

At the conclusion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Effectively oversee strike preparations at their site(s)
  • Create a 10-day strike countdown plan incorporating the following areas:
    • Staffing & Training
    • Site Security
    • Site Operations
    • Site Logistics
    • Regulatory requirements
    • Leadership Command & Control
    • Communications
    • Documentation requirements
  • Incorporate current site Emergency Management Plans into labor/strike action operations
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Thank you for registering for the HTC BP1S1 RECORDED Webinar: Strike Planning - Site Preparedness & Strategies for Success recorded on July 30, 2024

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