Course Description
WRHEPC-PEDSEMINAR2022-ONLINE - WRHEPC Health Coalition Emergency Management Seminar 2022 - Pediatric Emergency Preparedness
Course Description
The 2022 Healthcare Coalition Emergency Management Recorded Webinar Training: WRHEPC Pediatric Emergency Preparedness will provide a broad overview of potential care needs for the pediatric patient involved in an emergency/disaster situation. The goal is to improve collaboration of the local healthcare community towards the best pediatric care possible. The webinar series will include information for medical, trauma and crisis response specific to the most vulnerable population in any emergency event, children.
Program Objectives:
- Recognize healthcare outcomes and advance the care of our pediatric population through pediatric focused education for our community healthcare partners.
- Identify knowledge in the initial and ongoing treatment of pediatric trauma, respiratory, neurological and infectious disease emergencies.
- Describe the concepts of surge with specific focus on pediatric implications in a disaster event that are unique to the pediatric population, as well as discuss the impact of those considerations on planning and response efforts.
This online course consists of (6) 1hr recorded webinar sessions. You can select the modules you want to complete in any order and exit/resume anytime. It is recommended that you complete an entire informational video before exiting the course (your place can not be saved mid-video). To save your work, click on the LMS exit button before closing your browser.
Each module and has been approved by NYS BEMS for EMS CME Core and Non-Core Credits. The EMS CME Credits available for each module will be listed on the Certificate of Completion. A Course Completion Certificate will be available in the NYSDOH LMS after completing all 6 topics, an attestation and evaluation.
AVAILABLE MODULES (see section details for more information)
- Pediatric Sports Injuries and Concussion
- COVID-19 Complications and Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 in Children
- Pediatric Neurology/Seizure Management
- Pediatric Peril: Managing a Child's Airway
- Pediatric Transport: Complications with Prolonged Inter-facility Transport
- Pediatric Surge Planning
Co-sponsored By
Golisano Children’s Hospital Trauma
Oishei Children’s Hospital
Course Documents
There are currently no course document(s) for this course
Average Completion Time
6 hours
Associated Programs (Explain)
There are no programs currently assigned to this course
Course Competencies
There are no competencies currently assigned to this course