This course is a recording of the Complete Streets, Climate Smart Communities, Environmental Improvements workshop from the New York State Local Health Department Climate and Health Adaptation Workshop series. The workshop was originally held on November 2nd, 2022 and included a variety of speakers. In the recording, Paul Beyer, Director of Smart Growth in the NYS Department of State, discusses connections between Complete Streets, climate, and health. Jessica Darney Buehler, Director of Health, Planning, and Promotion with the Essex County Health Department provides an overview of some Essex County Health Department initiatives including sunscreen dispensers, cooling centers, and complete streets. Terry Carroll, Chief Sustainability Officer at Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability, discusses Tompkins County’s environmental efforts including Green Fleet, Green Facilities, Renewable Electricity, and Adaptation & Resiliency.
By viewing this course, participants will learn about what Complete Streets are as well as resources and programs at the state level that can support reaching Complete Streets outcomes. They will also learn about steps that can be taken at the local level to support Complete Streets, Climate Smart Communities, and environmental improvement initiatives.