Archived Webinar
Live Training (in-person or online)
NYSACHO is hosting a lunch and learn webinar, “New York State Student Wight Data Explorer”, presented by Ian F. Brissette, Ph.D. Director, Bureau of Chronic Disease Evaluation and Research, New York State Department of Health
The purpose of the webinar is to demonstrate the New York State Student Weight Data Explorer https://nyshc.health.ny.gov/web/nyapd/student-weight-data-explorer
The Student Weight Data Explorer is one of the data resources available through the NYS Health Connector. It includes four dashboard tools that allow users to view data collected through the Student Weight Status Category Reporting System. The webinar will demonstrate how the Student Weight Data Explorer can be used to find a data on overweight and obesity for a school district, compare obesity data from different school districts, access and compare obesity data from different counties and explore statewide, regional and county trends in obesity.
The presentation will also preview the other data resources currently available through the NYS Health Connector. At the conclusion of the session a how to guide documenting the resources covered will be shared with all registrants.