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Course Description

PHDirCom-ENVIRO02 - Environmental Topics: Food Safety

Enrollment DeadlineSectionCourse FormatStart/End Dates Details Instructor(s)Speakers
Section end date has passed.
Live Webex - April 10, 2012 - 10-11am Live Training (in-person or online) 4/10/2012 to 4/10/2012 Meeting Times
Archived WebEx - Now Available Self-paced Courses Ongoing

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Course Description

This course is part of the New Director Commissioner Orientation Program made up of informational presentations for new directors and commissioners, focused on the programs and services provided by the NYSDOH.

Hosted by Michael Cambridge and Vic Pisani of the NYSDOH Center for Environmental Health, this program will provide new directors and commissioners with an orientation to Food Safety aspects of Environmental Health.

Co-sponsored By

  • 2020 NYSACHO
  • New_NYSDOH_2011
  • Empire State PHTC
  • Course Documents

    There are currently no course document(s) for this course

    Average Completion Time

    1 hours


    Participation in the New Director Commissioner Orientation Program is recommended.

    Go to Course Catalog and click on the Program Catalog link and select the New Director Commissioner Orientation from the list of programs and complete program enrollment.

    Associated Programs (Explain)

    There are no programs currently assigned to this course

    Course Competencies

    There are no competencies currently assigned to this course