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Zika Rapid Response Team Training

This is the program description page for the Zika Rapid Response Team Training. If you need, or would like, to participate in this program you must enroll in all of the program courses. Scroll to the bottom of the page to review the program course table and click on the button labeled "Begin Program Enrollment."


No credits.

Program Description

This program consists of three modules. Completion of each of the three modules is required for Zika Rapid Response team members prior to accepting an team assignment.


No prerequisites.


No co-sponsor.

Enrollment for Zika Rapid Response Team Training. If you have already enrolled in this program, each course below can be completed via My Courses - Current Courses or My Courses - Current Programs tab.

Course Status Table

StatusDateCourseCourse #FormatsCategory
ZRRT-01 Zika Rapid Response Team Overview (Module 1)ZRRT-01 Streaming Emergency Preparedness
ZRRT-02 Zika Virus: Vectors and Transmission (Module 2)ZRRT-02 Streaming Emergency Preparedness
ZRRT-03 Zika Rapid Response Team Health and Safety Training (Module 3)ZRRT-03 Streaming Emergency Preparedness