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Course Catalog

Click on the Course Name to view course description (including prerequisites, meeting times, etc.) and register for one of the offered sections.

Courses are rated by users on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the highest, on these criteria: 1) ease-of-use; 2) overall satisfaction; 3) quality of information. The average rating is an average of all criteria for all ratings.


Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
Accreditation and NYS Local Health Departments LowerNYS-Accreditation On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 7 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Benefits of Accreditation NYSACHO-Accreditation Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
NYLearnsPH.com Learning Management System: Tools for Workforce Development and Accreditation (PHAB Domain 8 and more) NYSACHO-Accreditation&LMS Self-paced Courses 1.25 Based on 4 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
PHAB Accreditation and Quality Improvement: A New York Departments of Health Perspective LowerNYS-Accreditation&QI On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Reaccreditation Narrative Writing Training NYSDOH-RCT-NWT-101 Live Training (in-person or online) 2 No one has rated this course.
testing eval 111 Self-paced Courses   No one has rated this course.


Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
AFPHS Training October 2023 Connecting and Convening AFPHS-202310 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Annual AED Update ACDOH-AED 2018 Self-paced Courses 0.5 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
A Roadmap to 21st Century Public Health Data Infrastructure  CSTE-20201119 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Accounting 101 for Non-Accountant Contract Managers ADMIN-10:00-20190515 Live Training (in-person or online) 1 Based on 6 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Advanced Leadership and Practice – Part II SCP-0218 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 9 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
AFPHS Training August 2023 Creating & Leading Change AFPHS-202308 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
AFPHS Training December 2023: How the public health sector can complement existing health promotion programs AFPHS-202312 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
AFPHS Training July 2023 Communicating about Emergency Preparedness AFPHS-202307 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
AFPHS Training June 2023 Collecting, Analyzing, & Translating Data AFPHS-202306 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
AFPHS Training May 2023 Complementing Existing Health Promoting Programs AFPHS-202305 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
AFPHS Training November 2023 Communicating AFPHS-202311 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
AFPHS Training September 2023 Coordinating Existing Supports and Services AFPHS-202309 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
April 2023 AFPHS Training - Coordinating Existing Services & Supports AFPHS-202304 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
ASTHO President's Challenge Virtual Series Kickoff Public Health Approaches to Preventing Life-Threatening Adverse Outcomes ASTHO-20170413 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Budget Planning and Management SCP-0176 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Budgeting 101 ADMIN-2:00-20190515 Live Training (in-person or online) 1 Based on 6 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Budgeting: Linking Strategies to Resource Allocations Reg4PHTC-20160404 On Demand Recordings 1.5 No one has rated this course.
Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture SCP-0179 Self-paced Courses 2 No one has rated this course.
Burn Evaluation and Care for Emergency Responders SCP-0122 Self-paced Courses 5 No one has rated this course.
Career Mobility and the Civil Service System ADMIN-8:30-20190515 Live Training (in-person or online) 1.5 Based on 4 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6

Chronic Disease

Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
Advancing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Schools and Communities - the New York State Obesity Prevention Center for Excellence UASPH-PA20160414 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 4 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Assessment of Asthma Reg2PHTC-Asthma2 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Cancer Screening CDC-PHGR20130716 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 4 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CDC Public Health Grand Rounds Cancer and Family History: Using Genomics for Prevention CDC-PHGR20160419 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CDC Public Health Grand Rounds– Million Hearts Initiative CDC-PHGR20140916 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CDC Public Health Grand Rounds: Stroke - It is Preventable and Treatable CDC-PHGR20160517 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds Presents: “Million Hearts 2022: A Compelling Call to Action" CDC-PHGR201802 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds Presents: Improving the Lives of People with Sickle Cell Disease CDC-PHGR20161115 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds Presents: Promoting Medication Adherence for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control CDC-PHGR20170221 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Centers for Disease Control Public Health Grand Rounds– Unusual Donor Derived Transplant-associated Infections - Just How Unusual? CDC-PHGR20141118 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Advancing Research and Clinical Education CDC-PHGR20160216 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Disability Etiquette DHP-103 On Demand Recordings 0.5 Based on 33 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Guide to the New York State Student Weight Data Explorer NYSACHO - NYS Student Weight Data Explorer Live Training (in-person or online) 0.5 No one has rated this course.
Health Teams Work: Chronic Disease Prevention and Management ADPH-20171114 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
HPV CDC-PHGR20130219 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Increasing Cancer Screening UASPH-PA20120210 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Integrating Systems and Sectors Toward Obesity Solutions NASEM-20200630 On Demand Recordings 1.5 No one has rated this course.
LHD Performance Incentive Program Year 12 – Active Communities Tool (ACT) (Part 1 of 2) NYSDOH-PIP12-001 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
LHD Performance Incentive Program Year 12 – Developing an Action Plan based on the ACT (Part 2 of 2) NYSDOH-PIP12-002 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Living Independent From Tobacco Facilitator Training DHP-102 Self-paced Courses 1.5 No one has rated this course.
1 2 3

Climate and Health

Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan – Improving city resilience against extreme heat-waves Reg2PHTC-Climate3 On Demand Recordings 0.5 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Climate & Health Research in NYS / Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Process in IL Reg2PHTC-Climate2 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Climate Change and Health Equity: Tribal Challenges and Actions TPEH-20201215 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Climate Change and Public Health 101 - Northeast Edition BRACE-Climate101 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 20 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Climate Change and Zoonoses Overview UASPH-CPHP-2016 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 94 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
National Weather Service: Hazard Simplification Partner Webinar NWS-20200723 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
NYS Virtual Climate and Health Adaptation Workshop Series: Complete Streets, Climate Smart Communities, Environmental Improvements NYSDOH-Climate6 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
NYS Virtual Climate and Health Adaptation Workshop Series: Extreme Heat, Weather Vulnerability NYSDOH-Climate7 On Demand Recordings 2 No one has rated this course.
NYS Virtual Climate and Health Adaptation Workshop Series: Flood Mitigation, Storm Response, Emergency Response Framework NYSDOH-Climate5 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
NYS Virtual Climate and Health Adaptation Workshop Series: Vector-Borne Diseases, Harmful Algal Blooms, Food Security NYSDOH-Climate8 On Demand Recordings 2 No one has rated this course.
Public Health Live! Climate Smart Communities: Connections With Public Health UASPH-PHL20190516 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating

Communicable Disease

Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
2016 ATS/CDC/IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis TB-275a Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
2019 CDC/NTCA Recommendations for Health Care Personnel (HCP): What TB Programs Need to Know TB-304 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
2020 New York City World TB Day Webinar TB-313 Self-paced Courses 1.25 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
3HP: Enough "Horse Power" to drive the national TB Infection agenda? TB-299 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Adolescent Tuberculosis TB-310a Self-paced Courses 0.5 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB - Introduction TB-253a Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Part 1 TB-285a Self-paced Courses 3 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Part 2 TB-285b Self-paced Courses 2 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Part 3 TB-285c Self-paced Courses 3 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Clinical Manifestations and Work Up TB-253d Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Diagnosis - Old and New Tools & Challenges TB-253c Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Infection Control, Source Case, and Contact Investigation TB-253g Self-paced Courses 1.25 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Latent TB Infection TB-253b Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: TB and HIV TB-253e Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Advanced Concepts in Pediatric TB: Treatment of TB including MDR TB-253f Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
And in Flew Enza Reg2PHTC-20160321 On Demand Recordings 1.5 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Ask the Experts Webinar: Clinical Conundrums in LTBI Treatment TB-241 Self-paced Courses 2 No one has rated this course.
Association of Public Health Laboratories Tuberculosis Training Modules TB-300 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series TB-198 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Beyond TNF Inhibitors: TB in the Age of Biologics TB-256 Self-paced Courses 1.75 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
Advocacy Communications for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change RegVPHTC-20200407 Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Comms Crash Course: Using Social Media for Public Health Communications PHCC-20220726 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Communicating Through COVID-19 & Beyond: Impact & Insights from the Field of Public Health PHCC-20220413 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Communication Challenges Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic Reg4PHTC-20200611 On Demand Recordings 1.5 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Conflict Management SCP-1078 Self-paced Courses 3 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Developing a Response Plan to Misinformation in Public Health PHCC-20240925 On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Embracing Public Health 3.0 and Creating Cross-Sector Partnerships Reg4PHTC-20200113 On Demand Recordings 1.5 No one has rated this course.
How to Craft a Quick and Persuasive Message: The 27-9-3 Rule CHRR-20170314 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 9 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Implementing Shared Decision Making In Varied Practice Settings AHRQ-Shared3 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 3 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Improving Interpersonal Communication and Relationships SCP-1082 Self-paced Courses 3 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Improving Your Communication Skills SCP-1029 Self-paced Courses 2 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Introduction to Logic Models NYNJ-260 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 68 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Leadership Management Communication SCP-1083 Self-paced Courses 3 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Managerial Communications SCP-1032 Self-paced Courses 3 No one has rated this course.
Managerial Communications for Supervising Public Health Nurses (formerly SCP-1032.1) SCP-1159 Self-paced Courses 1.5 Based on 12 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Message Testing on a Shoestring Budget SCCHP-MessageTesting On Demand Recordings 1 No one has rated this course.
Module 01-Universal Safety Training-Mindfulness and Validation OALTC-UST-Mod01 Self-paced Courses 0.25 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Module 02-Universal Safety Training-Therapeutic Interactions, Environments, and Relationship Building OALTC-UST-Mod02 Self-paced Courses 0.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Module 03-Universal Safety Training-Understanding Aggressive Behavior OALTC-UST-Mod03 Self-paced Courses 0.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Module 04-Universal Safety Training-Professionalism and Professional Responses OALTC-UST-Mod04 Self-paced Courses 0.5 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
1 2 3

Core Public Health

Course Name Course #Format(s)Completion HoursUser Rating
21st Century Business Practices and Public Health - Nick Freudenberg UIC-20211014 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
A New Road Forward: How Hospital, Public Health and Stakeholder Collaboration has Changed the Community Health Landscape PHI-Collaboration On Demand Recordings 1.5 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
A Systems Approach to Understanding Childhood Obesity Reg2PHTC-ChildhoodObesity Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 12 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Accountable Community of Health Structures and Cross-Sector Coordination SFA-20170621 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Advanced Program Evaluation LowerNYS-AdvPE Self-paced Courses 0.75 Based on 21 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Aging Safely and Independently CDC-PHGR20130917 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
All Public Health is Local: The Community Perspective on GIS and Public Health ESPHTC-GIS101 On Demand Recordings 0.75 Based on 4 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
An Adolescent Sexual Health Community Needs Index: Solutions from Merging Spatial Statitics with GIS ESPHTC-GIS105 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Article 6 Year 8 2019-2020 Performance Incentive - Expedited Partner Therapy for Chlamydia Webinar NYSACHO-Yr 8 Performance Incentive Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 2 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
ASTHO's Caregivers Learning Community ASTHO-20170516 Self-paced Courses 1 No one has rated this course.
Behavioral Obesity Treatment: Today’s State of the Art SCP-0189 Self-paced Courses 2 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Broome County Health Rankings and Roadmaps ESPHTC-CHR105 On Demand Recordings 0.25 No one has rated this course.
Building Healthy Communities: The Role of Behavioral Health in Advancing Health Equity and Optimal Health for All RegVPHTC-Hlth4All Self-paced Courses 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Building Logic Models LowerNYS-LOGIC Self-paced Courses 0.5 Based on 5 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
Can Transparency Improve Health Care Quality? CHJ-20160912 On Demand Recordings 1 Based on 1 rating(s).
Quality of Information
Overall Satisfaction
Average Rating
CCH 101 Series: Vendor Responsibility Determination-Part 1 CCH-101.f Live Training (in-person or online) 1 No one has rated this course.