Learning Management System

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Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Issues
Forgotten Password and Username
Learning Management System
Completing Quizzes and Evaluations
Viewing Real™ Media

Technical Issues

Who do I contact with technical problems?
You can contact the NY Learns PH Learning Management System Coordinators at edlearn@health.ny.gov OR Call 518-473-4223 and ask to speak with LMS Administration.

What e-mail address should I provide?
Technically, you can provide any e-mail address that you have regular access to. However, it is advisable to use a work e-mail on a dedicated mail server, as opposed to an internet account (i.e. name@gmail.com, name@yahoo.com). These types of accounts can sometimes prove unreliable and present problems through inbox size constraints, spam filters, and virus problems.

What can I do if I don't remember Username?
Click on the Password Retrieval button in the User Menu on the left. You will be asked to enter the email address you used to register on the system. You will receive an email with a Username reminder shortly.

What can I do if I can't remember my password?
Click on the Password Retrieval button in the User Menu on the left. This function will not allow you to retrieve you password, but rather to create a new password. First you will be asked to enter your Username and then to answer a series of 3 questions (asked at random from 10 self-selected questions you answered during registration.) You have 10 chances to answer 3 of your questions correctly. Upon success, you will receive an email with a link that will allow you to create a new Password.

What internet browsers work with the NY LMS?
Currently, only Microsoft Internet Explorer will provide full compatibility with the Learning Management System. Other browsers may work for some tasks, but may not work the entire site.

Can I use the Learning Management System with my Pop-Up Blocker turned on?
No, you must allow pop-ups from this site. 1. On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings 2. Type the address (or URL) of this site in the Address of Web site to allow box, and then click Add Move the slider down to Medium. 3. Click Close

Do I need to enable Cookies?
Yes. If you are having problems logging into our site, then you may have your cookie settings set at too tight of a level, thus preventing our permissioning system from logging you in and deciding whether you should have access or not. There are two different ways to eliminate this problem. The first thing you can do is reduce your Security and Privacy Settings to "Medium" if they are set at a higher level. 1. Select Tools / Internet Options... from the browser's menu. 2. Press the Custom Level... button in the Privacy tab. 3. Move the slider down to Medium. 4. Click OK If you want to keep high Security and Privacy settings, then another thing you can do is to provide an exception so that cookies will work just for our site. In order to do this: 1. Select Tools / Internet Options... from the browser's menu. 2. Press the Custom Level... button in the Privacy tab. 3. Click the Edit button. 4. Type in the full address (or URL) of this site, click Allow. 5. Click OK

Do I need to enable JavaScript?
Yes, you must have JavaScript enabled to take advantage of some functionality within this site.

Why won't my certificate print?
Certificates are available in .pdf format. They are viewable and printable using Adobe's Acrobat Reader, free to download by clicking the button. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html If you're still having troubles, it may be that Windows has not been fully updated on your machine. Because of recent security concerns, software updates are more and more frequent and many times are required in order to make things work properly.

When I click on "launch course" from "My Courses", I get a "page not found" error.
Some users who attempt to access courses from behind their network's firewall, which is in place for security purposes, have problems viewing these courses, because they are available by 3rd-party content managment systems. If this happens to you, please contact us to discuss solutions to your problem.



Forgotten Password and Username

How Do I Change My Password?
1. Directly below the log-in box, there is a menu of options. Click on the third tile down - “Password Retrieval.” The Username Retrieval and Password CHANGE tool will open. Note: Throughout this process, you should always use the “Submit” button, rather than just hitting “Enter” on your keyboard. 2. Enter your Username and click on the “Submit” button (Center of the screen below "Password Retrieval" in large green letters.) If the Username is correct then you will be asked to answer the 3 secret questions that you answered when you first registered on the LMS. If your Username is not found, then refer to the FAQ on Username Retrieval. 3. Answer your secret questions & click on the “Submit” button. Note: Answers are NOT case-sensitive, avoid inadvertent speace before or after answers as this will cause the system to reject an otherwise correct answer. 4. If you answered your 3 secret questions correctly, you will receive a message that "an email has been sent" to the email address you gave when you registered on the LMS. 5. Click on the very long link in the email you receive. This will redirect you back to a Password Change screen on the LMS. 6. Re-Enter your Username. (Top-center of screen.) 7. Enter and Confirm New Password. 8. Receive an on-screen Password Change Confirmation. 9. Log in (in the upper left corner) and start using the system with your newly changed password. 10. Questions? Email: edlearn@health.ny.gov Or Call: 518-473-4223 and ask to speak to LMS staff.

How do I Retrieve My Username?
1. Directly below the log-in box, there is a menu of options - Click on the third tile down - “Password Retrieval.” The Username Retrieval and Password CHANGE tool will open. Note: Throughout this process, you should always use the “Submit” button, rather than just hitting “Enter” on your keyboard. 2. In the Top Center of the screen beneath "Username Retrieval" in large green letters - Enter your: "Last Name", "First Name", and "Email Address" that you entered whenyou first registered for the LMS. 3. Click Submit. (Do not use the "Enter" key on your keyboard, it will cause an error.) 4. You will receive an on-screen message confirming that an email has been sent withyour Username in it. It may take a few minutes to receive this email. 5. User username to retrieve Password or simply Log-In (in the upper left corner.) 6. Questions? Email: edlearn@health.ny.gov Or Call: 518-473-4223 and ask to speak to LMS staff.



Learning Management System

How do I log on?
First, you need to Register. During registration you will be asked to create a Username and Password of your choosing. There are no rules to the type of Username or Password that you create. You may even use the Username and Password you use to log on to your PC in the morning. You can change it any time. Once you've completed the registration form and click "Submit", the system will automatically sign you in. You will be sent an confirmation to the email address that you provided. Next time you visit the site just use the Username and Password you created for your account.

How do I begin to take a course?
Once you have registered for the LMS, you will be able to start learning right away! You can start searching for courses using the "Course Catalog" (see the User Menu on the left side of your LMS window,) When you click a course name, you are given more information about that course and the option to register. Once you are registered in a course, it is added to your personal list of courses, viewable in "My Courses". You will also receive a confirmation email with your registration information. Once you're registered in a course, all you need to do begin the course is click on the course title. This will take you into the course contents. If it's an online course you can launch it directly from the LMS. If it's a face to face course there will be additional info about the location, possibly driving directions, etc.

How do I submit an event to the calendar?
The calendar feature has been revised! You can now submit an event directly online by: logging in > clicking on Calendar > clicking on Submit an Event. Once you submit the popup form here, your request will be reviewed and approved for display in the online calendar within 1-2 business days.

What is a non-LMS course?
Non-LMS courses are related training or courses that you would like to be included in your personal training portfolio on NYLearnsPH.com. This is simply for your record-keeping and will not be imported or counted in the LMS itself. You may, however, print an LMS Activity Report (View Sample), which can include those courses taken outside of NYLearnsPH.com. This is useful for keeping records of all training and education in one handy spot.

Why am I redirected to courses at Public Health Learning website when I launch a course?
Some of our course content is shared to and from similar Learning Management Systems in other states. The Learning Management System has been built specifically to accommodate this sharing of course resources.

Do I become enrolled in Public Health Learning's website? Do I have to pay more?
No, you are only taken to the Public Health Learning site to take a pre-existing course. When you have finished the course, or when you temporarily suspend your learning session, you are returned to NYLearnsPH.com. You do not have to pay anything to NYLearnsPH.com for these specific online courses.

How often will courses be offered?
Some on-line courses will be available 24/7 anywhere you have an internet connection. Other on-line courses will be available for only a certain registration period, as designated by the instructor, and publicized on the calendar, or in other media. Face-to-face courses and conferences will also have a registration period on-line.

What texts or materials will be required (if any)?
This can vary from course to course. On-line courses may sometimes require purchase of textbooks or other materials. Face-to-face trainings usually incur travel and other related costs, and may also require texts or special materials. To find out what, if anything, is required for a course you are interested in or taking, please refer to the course details.

How do I begin my online course?
To access an online course, you must first be registered for that course. Once you are registered for a course, you can do one of two things: Go to the My Courses link (on the User Menu on the left side of the LMS window,) under your Current courses heading, see the course you want to access and click on the Launch Course link underneath the course title (and next to the Drop link.) OR, once you are logged in on the Home page, you will see a column the right that displays your Current, Required, and Recommended Courses - in the Current Courses box, click on Launch Course to access your online course.

Once you've submitted your competencies from the My Assessments page, the system will display recommended courses for any of those competencies where you rated your confidence level lower than a 4. When you click on one of those recommended courses, you are given more information about that course and the option to register. Once you are registered in a course, it is added to your personal list of courses, viewable in "My Courses". You will also receive a confirmation email with your registration information. Once you're registered in a course, all you need to do begin the course is click on the course title. This will take you into the course contents.



Completing Quizzes and Evaluations

Why Can't I Enter Information Into Open Question Text Boxes in a Quiz or Evaluation?
Sometimes we are using outdated or very new versions of web-browsers casuing compatibility issues. If you are having an issue entering text into an open-ended quiz or evaluation question, look at the address bar at the top left of your browser and look for a "Torn Page" icon. Click on this icon, this will put the browser into compatibility mode and *should* allow you to enter and submit text in text boxes. If you continue to have problems, "Contact Us" at edlearn@health.ny.gov or call 518-473-4223 and ask to speak with LMS Administration.

Why Can't I Access My Course Certificate?
Once you successfully complete a course onthe LMS there are two conditions that would prevent you from accessing your course certificate. 1. No LMS Certificate is offered for the course in question (e.g., Coruses from third parties who provide their own certificates, e.g., FEMA, PHTCs, etc.) 2. YOU DID NOT COMPLETE AN EVALUATION - in this case, go to My Courses - Completed Courses and complete any Evaluation that is marked "*- due" in the "Quizzes and Activities" column in the center for the "Completed Courses" table. I you have any questions, "Contact Us" at edlearn@health.ny.gov or Call 518-473-4223 and ask to speak with LMS Administration.



Viewing Real™ Media

How do I view a Real™ Media Webcast
How do I view a Real™ Media Webcast To view Real™ media you must have Real™ Player installed on your PC. ***NYSDOH staff, please view special instructions for viewing on a NYSDOH PC.

How do I view a Real™ Media Webcast on a NYSDOH PC?
Real Player

How do I view a Real™ Media Webcast on a NYSDOH PC?

  • To view Real™ Player media you must have Real™ Player installed on your PC
    Click here for FREE Real Player download
  • Send an e-mail request at least 1 business day in advance of your desired viewing time to:
  • Paste the following text into the body of your e-mail
    "Please open port 554 and/or 8554 to allow access to a Real™ Media event for business purposes."
Also include the following information:
  1. IP Address of your computer (if viewing in a conference room, also include room number and jack number)
  2. Date/Time (including 1/2 hr for set up)
  3. Title or description of the content
  4. Web address where the content will originate

How do I find my IP address?
In order to provide access for your connection, Security needs to know the "IP Address" of the PC from which the event will be displayed. IP addresses on the New York State Department of Health's internal network generally begin "150.142."

You can find your IP address by using Windows NT/2000/XP:

Click START | RUN Type CMD Type IPCONFIG After recording the IP Address, type exit

Where can I get a free download of Real™ Player ?

Free RealPlayer Download here
NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Windows 95, you will need to download and install RealPlayer 8. RealOne Player will not run under Windows 95.

Pay careful attention at the Real™ site to choose the Free Real Player as there are several other "for free" players. It is not necessary to download the "FREE TRIAL" version or the RealOne™ pay-per-month player.
